Free Range Hens
We chose Rhode Island Reds as our primary laying breed due to their friendly temperament, ability to withstand the cold and incredible egg-laying capacity. These beautiful mahogany red birds are one of the most popular domestic chicken breeds in America. Their story began when a sea captain by the name of William Tripp brought a Malay Rooster back home from his travels abroad and mated it with his own chickens. He noted that the offspring laid significantly more eggs. Tripp along with his friend, John Macomber, began to cross breed the chickens in earnest focusing on creating a well-balanced, dual purpose (layer and meat) bird.
Our Reds free range throughout the farm. They are excellent foragers, but particularly love the vineyard and the spent brewers grain pile. We feed them soy-free protein pellets in addition to the bugs and grubs they find. Their eggs are rich and delicious with a dark orange yolk.